205 ق م in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- 205 ad In 205 AD, he and the imperial family visited the city and received great honors. Nonetheless, it was not until 205 AD, during the reign of Septimius Severus, that the two communities came...
- 205 area code In order to allow people time to reprogram electronics such as computers and fax machines, use of the 205 area code continued in the 334 areas through May 13, 1995. In order to allow peopl...
- 205 bc Umbrians fought under Scipio Africanus in 205 BC during the Second Punic War. In 205 BC, he was replaced as proconsul in Greece by Publius Sempronius Tuditanus. In the Treaty of Phoenice, ...
- 205 bce In the sixth month of 205 BCE, Liu Bang named his son Zhang Han, who committed suicide after his defeat. The Qin court had made sacrifices to and worshipped four main deities, to which Emp...
- 205 ce It was erected in 205 CE. After Yuan Shao died in 202 CE, his sons fought over his inheritance, allowing Cao Cao to eliminate Yuan Tan ( 173 205 CE ) and drive his brothers Yuan Shang and...
- 205 church street The basilica is named for Francis Xavier, a 16th-century Jesuit apostle, and is located opposite George Rogers Clark National Historical Park, at 205 Church Street. The former Union and Ne...
- 205 gti The 205 GTI was as popular as the Golf GTI in Europe. Unlike the 5 Turbo or the 205 GTi, the 11 Turbo had a more comfort-oriented focus. 6-S . Nutter / H . al-Jabri ( Britain ), Peugeot 20...
- 205 live This distribution of championships remained unchanged at the 205 Live. As of 2006, La Glace had a total population of 205 living in 74 dwellings. On January 3, 2017, Tajiri debuted on " 20...
- 205 martyrs of japan Through the promulgation of decree on martyrdom, these 205 Martyrs of Japan were venerated on 26 February 1866 and beatified on 7 May 1867, by Pope Pius IX. Through the promulgation of dec...
- 205 north michigan Argosy University has its head offices on the thirteenth floor of 205 North Michigan Avenue in Michigan Plaza. The complex consists of the 44 story 205 North Michigan Avenue and the 25 sto...
- 205 north michigan avenue Argosy University has its head offices on the thirteenth floor of 205 North Michigan Avenue in Michigan Plaza. The complex consists of the 44 story 205 North Michigan Avenue and the 25 sto...
- 205 series The last 205 series set on the Yokohama Line ran on 23 August 2014. 8-car 205 series EMU trains were introduced in 1988. A further four former 205 series cars were purchased from JR East i...
- 205 signal squadron In December 1983 1st Infantry Brigade Headquarters and Signal Squadron ( 216 ) relinquished its airborne associations to 205 Signal Squadron and assumed the number 215. A memorial cross wa...
- 205 sqn The Short Sunderland flying boats started in RAF service from " Seletar " on 22 June 1938 with 230 Sqn, a sister squadron of 205 Sqn. Among Seletar s claim to fame was that several classi...
- 205 yonge street "' 205 Yonge Street "'was formerly a four-story Bank of Toronto building built in 1905 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- 205耳机 205耳机感应器到耳机之间的通讯方式为磁感应通讯,耳机本身并不存在被屏蔽或者被探测的问题,被屏蔽或者被探测主要发生在与耳机相连的通讯设备上。 选购205耳机时,耳机包装或者说明书上的性能指标要留意一下,因为质量差的耳机往往是一些小厂生产的,它的性能指标有的是胡乱标注,有的是夸大其词。 的过渡版:1.205耳机又称深耳道(外耳道式)微型无线耳机、隐形耳机、米粒耳...
- 205鬼宅 205鬼宅的故事在北京一零一中学已经流传了若干年。
- 205年 二年(公元前205年)得陇西郡地。 公元前205年,刘盈被立为王太子。 -前205年),秦朝末年赵国王族。 。汉高祖二年(前205年)置临武县。 公元前205年,张耳投奔了刘邦。 --205年),字显思,汝南汝阳人。 东汉末年张仲景撰于公元200年-205年。 汉高祖二年(公元前205年)置。 汉高祖二年(公元前205年)置成皋县。 国王(前221年?前205年在位)。 东...
- 205系 1989年7月1日国铁205系电车投入使用。 其后也被用以替换201系和205系。 相模线全线列车皆使用205系500番台4卡编成。 主要是205系10?编成、2006年4月24日开始变更为E231系。 由2002年4月21日开始山手线的205系给E231系500番台换置。 1990年12月1日103系全部撤离?京线;全部列车转为205系。 当时转配的205系现时大部分仍在...
- 205国道 广州段全长69公里,与205国道重复。 京沪高速公路、205国道横贯其中。 205国道和津秦高速公路横过其北。 此外,205国道和318国道从境内通过。 京哈(尔滨)铁路、205国道过境。 津唐高速公路、205国道平行过境。 交通便利,205国道横穿整个村子。 京沪高速及205国道从南侧经过。 城南约39公里处,距离205国道3.5公里。 东临渤海近靠104、205国道和京...
- ad 205 The cohorts were doubled in size in AD 205. Following this, or possibly during the same period, he was the " Legatus legionis " for Hispania Citerior, which he held from AD 202 to possibly...
- area code 205 The main area code, 256, was created on March 23, 1998, as a split from area code 205.
- bell 205 A Bell 205 is used as a Cliffhanger ". In 1978 three Bell 205 medium helicopters were hired in addition to the standby helicopters. Gen . I Dewa Putu Rai confirmed that all 12 aboard the B...
- br class 205 From 1966, steam traction was eliminated from the area, and the branch passenger service was operated by a diesel-electric multiple-unit set of BR Class 205.
- british rail class 205 The separate-chassis construction of the elderly British Rail Class 205 stock, based on the BR Mk 1 design, led to overriding of one carriage by the next.
How can I put and write and define 205 ق م in a sentence and how is the word 205 ق م used in a sentence and examples? 205 ق م造句, 205 ق م造句, 用205 ق م造句, 205 ق م meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.